5ea HP Mdl Zbook 15 Fury/Create G7 Laptop, all units powered on to BIOS, No power supplies, To include: 3ea HP Mdl Zbook 15 Fury G7, All units have 2.6Ghz i7-10750H processor, 16Gb RAM, 1Tb SSD; 1ea HP Mdl Zbook Fury 15 G7 Laptop, unit has 2.7Ghz i7-10850H processor, 16Gb RAM, 512Gb SSD; 1ea HP Mdl Zbook Create G7 Laptop, unit has 2.7Ghz i7-10850H processor, 32Gb RAM, 1Tb SSD, Buyers responsible for all shipping and packing, aprox weight 30lbs [RSCG TID 10084882]
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Guaranty Waiver. All property is offered for sale 'AS IS, WHERE IS.' The Seller makes no warranty, guaranty or representation of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for any purpose of the property offered for sale. Please note that upon removal of the property, all sales are final.
Description Warranty. Seller warrants to the Buyer that the property offered for sale will conform to its description. Any claim for misdescription must be made prior to removal of the property. If Seller confirms that the property does not conform to the description, Seller will keep the property and refund any money paid. The liability of the seller shall not exceed the actual purchase price of the property.